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Oral Health Routine

What is the ideal oral hygiene routine? Learn how to get your mouth clean and brush your teeth properly every day.

Don’t let plaque obscure your confident self

Bacteria live in your mouth in the form of plaque. Plaque is a sticky layer of material containing bacteria that accumulates on your teeth. The accumulation will be one of the cause for cavities and gingivitis, which can ultimately lead to periodontal (gum) problem.

Brush at Least Twice a Day!

Brushing too often wears away tooth enamel and irritates the gums, making them more prone to infection and inflammation.

Be Gentle

A toothbrush shouldn't be used like sandpaper. Be gentle. Being too rough with your toothbrush can damage tooth enamel and irritate your gums. A soft-bristled toothbrush removes the same amount of debris while causing less damage to your teeth and gums.

Position Your Toothbrush Properly

Most dental problems don't start on the tooth surface, but at the gumline. Tilt your toothbrush at a 45-degree angle and brush close to the gums in a circular motion.

Don't underestimate flossing

Most dental problems don't start on the tooth surface, but at the gumline. Tilt your toothbrush at a 45-degree angle and brush close to the gums in a circular motion.